How to install wordpress?
How to Install Wordpress: Wordpress in generally very easy to install and it consists of very simple processing. It may take five to six minutes to install Wordpress in different situations. It can be installed by numerous ways and techniques and the easiest way will be discussed under here. A person can get Wordpress automatically installed by any automatic installation tool i.e. “Fantastico”, which are provided by different web hosts. With above mentioned convenient ways of automatic installation of Wordpress, if someone is still in need to install it by himself, he can use the below mentioned steps for this thing. § The latest version of the Wordpress should be downloaded and the file package should be unzipped in order to make it usable. § There should be a database on the related webserver and it should be created for Wordpress for the one who is a professional MySQL user. § The user should find a file which is named as ( wp-config-sample.php...